It is difficult to discuss a concept which in our science is still subject to multiple interpretations. The theory of the IBOZOO UU is the unified theory which our scientists have been seeking. We would like as much as you understand the richness of this theory. It has the benefit of being beautiful and harmonious (an idea dear to Kepler), although it is not very reliable.

Regardless of what the oummites say, we find in this concept the notion of ETHER which was supplanted by the theory of relativity. Ether was invented to explain 19th century quantum theories. This medium was used to explain, among other things, the propagation of particles, electromagnetic interactions, etc. but very quickly, scientists noted inconsistencies between the definition of such a system and real observation. Einstein does not completely abandon the idea of Ether in his work, but he did not have time to define its form.

The IBOZOO UU are an Ether, or a kind of matrix without a frame of reference which defines the entire architecture of the universe. The subparticles (matter, elementary particles) are not "plunged" in this matrix, but rather the matrix (the whole of the IBOZOO UU) IS matter, the gravitational field, photons, time, electromagnetism, distance... It is understood that one must not introduce an order or a specific arrangement of IBOZOO UU within this network since they themselves are the source of order. How to define a common electron within this theory? This small animation will aid with understanding. (animation that can be found on the web site)

You say that the alignment of these dominos is a network of IBOZOO UU related two to two (in " reality ", the network is not ordered). The oummites specify in their texts that an IBOZOO UU alone does not have meaning; what is crucial is the variation of the angle and transmissions of information from one IBOZOO UU to another. The first domino transmits to its neighbor an energy which makes it tumble, and thus a ripple propagates down the endless chain. The ripple itself does not exist independently; it exists only by means of the dominos. That is what an electron is, a wave / a corpuscle which results from the information communicated through the network of IBOZOO UU related two to two.

Let us refine this concept a little and imagine that the information which is communicated along this chain of dominos (IBOZOO UU) is of the magnitude MASSES. The ripple appears to us as a mass (an electron),clearly visible, but to say then that it is elementary does make sense. The oummites go on to say that the IBOZOO UU can have ten different magnitudes. We can suppose that they define the universe.

This theory is like defining a set in mathematics, provided that the objects which make it up conform to the laws of stability and composition. These mathematical laws operate on multidimensional objects (the IBOZOO UU), whose multiple dimensions (vectors and their magnitudes) are the principal dimensions of our universe (length, force, time, mass, impulse, energy etc). The laws of composition (yet to be defined, since obviously the oummites do not pass them on to us) provide us with relations between the dimensional parameters of these objects, making it possible to find the physical non-variants (the laws of stability).

Modern physics remains obsessed with these stable laws, those which we observe. The laws of composition which we seek would make it possible to find these known laws and to discover new ones, like the famous gravitational wave. So we know the set, a large number of objects which make it up, the nature of a great number of these objects, and a certain number of stable laws. To demonstrate what the oummites propose requires nothing more than the discovery of the laws of composition by which we will find the physical non-variants and bring to light the phenomena that still elude us. But what have scientists been doing since Evariste Gallois !


The WAAM - WAAM, translation: pluri-cosmos. To understand this vision of the universe, we should quickly discard all our S.F. novels (even though the Ummite file can be compared to the world's greatest role playing game). In fact, it is not a question of a multitude of parallel universes, but rather of universes with different physical properties. These properties being related closely to the orientations of the multiple vectors of the IBOZOO UU. We recommend you read and understand this concept before going any further in " the exploration " of the cosmos. Thus to some extent, the WAAM resembles Hawking's theory on "bubble-universes" (see the Champs / Flamarion collection for a simplified explanation) but he did not build a logical system that would make such universes possible...

Returning to WAAM-WAAM, the Oummites say that we are plunged in a multidimensional universe which exists in multiple combinations within its structure. But for the Ummite, dimension is not a vector or scalar, dimension is a three-dimensional frame in which properties specific to that frame EXIST, these properties being related to the orientation of the vector axes of the IBOZOO UU. First example, since you may already be overwhelmed, a positron does not exist in a natural state within our three-dimensional frame (it is a position, not a demonstration), but is in its natural state in another three-dimensional frame, and its specificity in the latter is the same one as the electron within our frame.

WAAM- WAAM consists of an infinite number of three-dimensional frames with two well defined limits,which will be developed further. The difference with our concepts lies in the definition of dimension. We saw in the chapter on the IBOZOO UU that everything we call particles or waves is defined by the angular variation of the axes of the vectors of two dependent IBOZOO UU. A photon, an electron, a " graviton ", can thus be defined by the amount of variation of the orientations of the vectors of the I.U. Space-time plunges us into a 4-dimensional frame, or 4 vectors, in Ummite terms.. The IBOZOO UU has 10 vectors. Our frame or our dimension is defined by the orientation of its vectors, and since there are an infinite number of possible angular orientations of these vectors, there is an infinite number of tetra-dimensional frames.

It's now easier to understand why one cannot really speak about parallel universes, but could draw an analogy between the universe (the WAAM - WAAM) in the diversity of its frames, and the different possible physical states of water (gas, liquid, solid); all these states coexist, but it always remains a substance made up of H2O molecules. We live in water in its gaseous state, but other beings can only exist in water in its solid state...(it is an analogy!). Another example: any image on a monitor is made up of three constutuent signals: Red, Green and Blue. If the whole screen is green, you will not be able to see a single green point. On the other hand, if your screen is yellow, you will be able to distinguish a single green point on this background...It is all just a question of one reference frame defined by another reference frame, the RGB signal. It is not about the distance between the various universes, about time, or other things; it is a question of the specific characteristics of the IBOZOO UU which define these universes.

The oummites say to have been able to" plunge themselves " into ten different frameworks by means of a a simple variation of THEIR IBOZOO UU (which ones????) but the framework that is more interesting to us is the U-WAAM or anti-universe ; it differs only by the vector which characterizes the mass; it is thus symmetrical to us, mathematically speaking. One of its effects would be to contain our galaxy in a kind of cocoon and to thus counteract the effect of centrifugal force not compensated for by the famous "missing mass" which always eludes observation. In the same way, this universe " skirts " ours in its pluri-geometry, and its uniqueness lies in the fact that the speed of the light in its centre could be 50 times higher than in our universe, thus providing the possibility of traveling very quickly from one point to another in our space at very high speed. We would no longer need hundreds of years to go to the nearest star. (This is what astronomers such as Ribes proclaim, at least that is his official position).
We spoke to you about the boundary universes, which they are in terms of the state of their IBOZOO UU. These universes are the BUAWA and BUAWE BIAEI. On one hand, the universe of Souls ( or spirits), on the other, the universe of the Souls' souls. Their defining characteristics are:

* BUAWA Universe: zero mass, photon velocity zero, time is thus "frozen", and a constantly expanding radius.

* BUAWE BIAEI Universe: infinite mass, photon velocity infinite, constantly expanding radius.

It is surprising to see how much those who revealed these texts have integrated physically what for us is nothing but pure speculation...The oummites have no reason to manufacture religion since they have modeled our intuitions. In this respect, such a society is inherently stable. At least from this point of view.

Once again, we would say that we only observe the universe from our seat....PLATO! Here is the man who should have been listened to in the sciences, PLATO and his cave....Pure objectification! The oummites would say that tetravalence takes the place of Manicheism.



BUAWE BIAEI, which the oummites translated as " Community or social spirit ", is connected to a collective spirit. This "being "is in fact a regrouping of the Souls (or spirits) of all those who populate a star. The oummites are mistaken in thinking that our theologists never foresaw the possibility of such a Being. In " the phenomenon of man" Theillard de Chardin speaks about a " souls' Soul " which resembles BUAWE BIAEI in its philosophical sense. Perhaps the oummites have not read everything...

One of the roles of this being is very " simple "; since it is the idea of WOA, it integrates its patterns of behaviour or " moral laws ". By an internal process of our brain in connection with this Being, the BUAWE BIAEI continuously sends us patterns or models of behaviour, since we are a conscious humanity. There is also an opposite process which informs the BUAWE BIAEI through us (our body). Indeed, all that we collect through our senses, as well as our mental processes, are dispatched to this entity to carry out a kind of update of this great Soul of souls. After a " data processing ", information comes down again to our brain.

To take only the Christian religion as an example, the idea of a collective Spirit is not spelled out in the Bible, but rather of an anthropomorphic vision of a " place " where Souls (or spirits) are joined together after the death of the body: " paradise ". As regards the expression of the moral codes through us, Christendom calls upon the Holy Spirit to inspire us (in spiritus: the spirit in us). BUAWE BIAEI would be a very rough unification of these two concepts Christianity. But the obvious question is: what is it that allows this connection to exist between entities so distant in their physical reality? See the chapter on the OEMBUAW.

BUAWE BIAEI also directs the entire process of evolution through a process close to OEMBUAW, through its quantum characteristics, called BAYIODUU. We are not talking here of an anthropic process such as we conceive it evolution theory, but rather of a capacity to start a phylum of evolution when certain criteria (social, climatic, cosmological, geological etc) have been established.


As we defined in the BUAWE BIAEI, this universe where the collective spirits of the various planetary "humanities" is stored plays a major role in the phylum of evolution of living beings. In fact, this collective psyche " contains the information which modulates evolution ". Should we then consider that the oummites think of the evolution process as an anthropic principle, and that all life is determined and follows a divine plan?. YES or NOT, and this " or " is inclusive. In fact the theory is a wise combination of Darwinism, creationism and the theory of checks and balances so dear to S.J. Gould. But more importantly, it is Theillard de Chardin's theory that dominates in the oummite explanation of evolution. This man, quite terrestrial, bequeathed us a theory that few scientists dare to approach even today. Could it be because this scientist/paleontologist/anthropologist was above all a priest!, a condition that rejects science in principle?...so let us stop here. No?, then let us keep an open mind. Let us remember that we have as object of study a group of extraterrestria beings, that we have never seen and who however make people credulous!! Similar attitude with religious beliefs. Thus we must study what our contemporaries propose in parallel with what our Unidentified Flying Oummites put forward.

We observe in nature a phenomenon of complexification of life, all theories recognize this, but all diverge as soon as one speaks about adaptation. Theillard and the oummites (an amusing combination) believe that organisms respond to the environment, not through a long process of natural selection (Darwin) but rather by means of a pre-organization directed by an intra and/or extra genomic phenomenon. That does not mean that the biotope does not select; it imposes a configuration of life in its upgrading capabilities (of phylum). This nuance is disturbing, since random changes no longer play the dominant role which sticks in the majority of evolutionary theories.

There would be an " intelligent " process which directs all life, in conformity with the environment. Theillard de Chardin, like Darwin, used his observations to infer his theory but he could only explain it in one fabulous philosophical essay: "the phenomenon of man". If you read this book (1930) and the oummite texts (1966), you will see huge areas of similarity. But in another text the oummites acknowledge that certain Earth scientists revealed many concepts which were unknown to them.

Today, Theillard re-appears in scientific theses, and certain paleo-anthropologists (French) discovered that there was a logic in human complexification. Logic which makes on foresee a directing process which remains to be discovered. Theillard compared this logic to the Omega point, and named it an attractor (in the mathematical sense) which directs evolution towards an optimum point: humankind. The oummites say the same (obviously) and name the directing process Buawe Biaei, acting by means of the BAYODUU.

The BAYODUU is integrated into the DNA of living beings, It is a double network of IBOZOO UU which acts in our physical reality in resonance with BUAWE BIAEI (a similar principle in the OEMBUAW_). All the possibilities of phylum preexist, it is like defining all the possibilities of combinations in a game of chess. These possibilities are " connected " to the BUAWE BIAEI and can be integrated in the BAYODUU. If you refer to the diagram, we have simplified the BAYODUU.

The BAYODUU receives information which defines the environment, this information is compared to the existing genomic configuration and if a change is needed, this BAYODUU starts the adequate genetic mutation. Furthermore, we saw that there was an ultimate goal for man (Theillard's Omega point). This goal is the logical orientation that evolution in general follows, and which was recently emphasized by our scientists in human evolution. In conclusion, we could say that the BUAWE BIAEI / BAYODUU couple is a gödelian, or meta-gödelien principle. We would be the result of another reality which assists our evolution. But we could not evolve without this attractor. This approaches the work of the physicist Penrose, or the winner of the Nobel Prize for medicine Eccles when they try to define a similar entity mathematically: CONSCIOUSNESS.



The BUAWA (the Soul or spirit) takes up the concepts of our principal religions. The BUAWA is not in time, it is not in space accessible to us through our senses, but just like BUAWE BIAEI, it has a physical reality WAAM WAAM. Its role is to encode all events, like a computer memory; it integrates all that our senses perceive and all our mental processes throughout our life. In a reverse process, the BUAWA directs the behaviour of our three-dimensional body that the oummites call OEMII. In other words, exit the worship of the body, which for the oummites is only a sensor that informs on one hand the BUAWA and on the other by BUAWE BIAEI through a process named OEMBUAW.

Thus one can better understand why the oummites consider that each living being is untimately responsible before its community, for if by misfortune a small network of deviators takes form, the BUAWE BIAEI is affected and by reflection in the BUAWE BIAEI, all Ummite humanity suffers. This is why they detect all psychotics or schizophrenics in their society and prevent them from harming the whole (by a nonpainful means which is in fact only a surgical procedure). This is why their society reminds us so much of an anthill, each being similar but all united for the progress in the evolution of their consciousness.


The OEMBUAW is what the oummites call man's third factor. This process connects the OEMII to his Soul or spirit (the BUAWA) and makes him thus responsible before WOA, for man's behaviour is not pre-determined like animals, which (apparently) do not have this factor. The being equipped with OEMBUAW is thus free to follow or transgress the moral and irreducible laws of WOA, which shows why the Oummite very strictly " corrects " those who would dare to violate the transcendent laws of their "God ".

One could wonder how an adimensiona entity, the BUAWA, can direct a dimensional and temporal entity, the OEMII. It is here that the OEMBUAW intervenes. It is necessary understand the theory of the IBOZO UU, for this is a quantum process which, being by nature non-determined, acts as the bond between the body, the Soul, the collective spirit. It is commonly known that the location of the electron around its nucleus cannot be pinpointed because it is neither wave, nor particle in the same way Heisenberg's uncertainty principle shows that the behavior of subatomic particles is subject to random occurences as regards their location / velocity. If two entities which differ in their physical nature (the BUAWA and the OEMII) must exchange information, it can only happen through an ambivalent quantum-based principle.

The OEMBUAW is a network of IBOZOO UU not susceptible to Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, because it enters into resonance (in the physical sense of the word), giving it the power "long-distance" information exchange. But in no case does it transgress the laws of physics, it simply uses a particularity of nature. To better understand this, let us make use of a very simple image. If you have a guitar in a romm where music is playing, occasionally the strings of the guitar will start to vibrate, it is a resonance. The OEMBUAW is the guitar string, your body like the body of the guitar, and the BUAWA can be compared to the music. The process is identical with the BUAWE BIAEI and this in sense OEMII / BUAWE BIAEI or BUAWE BIAEI / OEMII.

The oummites localise this factor in the human brain, and the resonance is set in motion by a series of atoms of a rare gas, Krypton. As we can see in the chapters devoted to BUAWA and BUAWE BIAEI, everything collected by our mental processes and our senses is codified in the OEMBUAW and stored by this state of resonance in the BUAWA_ and BUAWE BIAEI. The reciprocal case is also true. This is how the oummites explain telepathy, which they usually use to overcome their " natural " speech deficiency. Through the OEMBUAW, the BUAWA sends a thought which then passes in another network of IBOZOO UU of the OEMBUAW to send it to BUAWE BIAEI. The latter sends the information towards the intended recipient of the message (a code, a key is specific to each Being) through his OEMBUAW and finally, the network responsible for the transmission towards the recipient's BUAWA, sends the message to the recipient's BUAWA (phew!) You will understand better by referring to the general outlines. You see that man's third factor is of primary importance in a human network, for it allows a connection beyond the senses, it unifies the expression of the collective spirit to all the beings who would like to integrate them (let us not forget that we are free.).

From the point of view of Earth science, what to say? Admittedly quantum physics is in an embryonic state, we do not yet understand or model mathematically the reality of what we see. Particle physics shows that today quantum behavior cannot be adequately expressed mathematically. It is up to the mathematicians to work out a language that physics will be able to use in its observations. The oummites always use our scientific weaknesses to advance large logical concepts. The Soul or spirit, the body, psyche, soma, all this enters with difficulty into scientific consideration, and we have only religion to affirm or deny the oummite concepts...a weak basis since it is indemonstrable. We are only able to say: it is logical and it would explain all these things we infer or foresee. But why do religions exist? why social phenomena? Why do we find identical concepts in peoples who evolved separately? One can work out theories, but if there is no language to express them they will remain conceptual.



Already, the word " religion " disturbs our friends the oummites, for religion is not a scientific concept. For a religion to be established, it is necessary to believe in values / beings / concepts which essentially remain without rational explanation. The verb To believe or Faith is paradoxical for the Ummites, who only consider true the fact that science evolves. But careful! The Ummites are more subtle. They do not even think that their science is true, but only that it is exploitable in the current state of its knowledge or its consciousness (we will see further on why consciousness plays such a fundamental role). All new acceptable models can redesign all theories.

In the state, we could consider that there is no god for these people. First misconception; the oummites consider a God they name WOA.. WOA is a modeller of ideas, a generator, all the laws of cosmos come from him. WOA does not enter into our physical reality, but to say that he is adimensional is very reducing. The oummites prefer to speak of a Being unable to be captured in our thought, thus physically inaccessible to us, in the strictest sense, and nowhere in the Ummite texts is there a physical or mathematical definition of WOA, and it is " theologically " impossible to do so. The best definition which illustrates their idea of God is: " WOA is a creative being of ideas, of an infinite number of ideas, insofar as these ideas are not incompatible with the essential element of WAAM " It is necessary to understand by ideas all that IS (exists) in the WAAM, from the quark to the architecture of a galaxy, to the role of the document you are reading right now.

This remains still quite simple and strongly resembles our theological conceptions of God. Where the oummites diverge from us is in the Beings which coexist with WOA. It is unfortunately necessary to summarize so that everyone can follow, but let us say that there are other always adimensional and atemporal entities which are not WOA, but which answer this need for being, always following the logic that any being must implicitly exist if this being is not incompatible with the essence of WOA. This IS BUAWE BIAEI.



The OEMII : The sensory organ, the material thinking being, endowed with reason plunged in the WAAM - WAAM. This is how the oummites define the human being, a single sensory receiver, able to convey meaning to the cosmos by his though,. The human being fills a fundamental role, for it is the ultimate result of evolution. One could call it the structure as organized as possible in the organic evolutionary phylum. The oumite defines the OEMII as an anthropoide having the "third factor" (the OEMBUAW), this bond with the universe of the BUAWA, a Soul or spirit which gathers information from its senses and its cognitive " processes " of reason. We will find here all the concepts broached in other articles because the human being is the MEANING of creation, the point which explains the big question we all pose: "why am I? ". Have you never asked that question ?....I who write these lines, I certainly asked it and I only have my answer, it is connected more to faith than to a real demonstration, so then... there we are.....

We saw in the BAYODUU that the human being is destined for the ultimate phase of evolution, this process, answering the constraints of the environment (and not being subjected to it through a selection of the weaker beings), leads to a organization of the brain which sooner or later gives the attribute of thought to the human. This thought or this consciousness of the self is the first stage of the " wiring " of the human's responsibility in its biotope. The being is not no longer motivated by self-preservation instincts, but by the will to find the meaning of ALL THAT. Then the big problems begin, because the human knows to do good, knows to do evil, knows that it will die and does not know why it does all that if is to finish as caviar for earthworms!

" But the oummites in all of this"...Well they have the same problems as us...They seek. No, if the oummites have not found an ultimate meaning for the universe, at least they have found meaning for the OEMII... Since everything the being thinks and sees is sent to BUAWE BIAEI, we are responsible for the way in which we think of the cosmos, we are responsible for the influence we exert on our fellow beings since they too send their cognitive processes to BUAWE BIAEI, this large data bank of " feelings " and of " meaning " gathered from all the living beings who have ever lived and thought since the existence of OEMII. The oummite knows that what he lives, he lives as much for himself as for his brethren and future generations who will all be fed by this BUAWE BIAEI data bank. This is the famous anthill Petit describes. But everything is logical in such a philosophy, including how certain beings might disturb those who follow?? This is all the more critical since the evolution of the OEMII is at stake.

The next stages of the OEMII are a series of reorganizations of the brain which cause it to conceive of the cosmos more and more accurately, in a more " objective " or " tetravalent " way (this concept does not apply only to mathematics). Then this neguentropy intervenes, this fight against the inevitable degradation which is the rampant entropy of matter or thought. The OEMII must, for the oummite, reach OEMII WOA to be actualized as a humanity. The OEMII WOA is Theillard de Chardin's Omega point (him again), the universal attractor. But as it is inescapable, it is incumbent upon the humanity to carry out this encephalic " connection" in the healthiest possible way, in order not to disturb its BUAWE BIAEI (which, let us not forget, also stores the moral laws of WOA) but also in order not to disturb BUAWE BIAEI of other humanities in the cosmos. What a responsibility!!

We wondered, during a time, why the oummites wanted to know if there was a possibility of telepathic connection between them and we of Earth. The answer is obvious: if telepathy was possible, a bond between the BUAWE BIAEI of various planetary civilizations was proven (see the diagram). Thus if our silly antics from our youth influenced their collective spirit, there is all the more reason for them to scold us.... have they found this bond today? the text asking this question goes back to 1966..over 30 years already.

Translation of OEMII WOA: man-God. We cannot obscure our planetary Jesus. The oummites call him OYAGAA WOA (OYAGAA = EARTH), similar in all respects except his life, to their UMMO WOA which in his time had the same charisma on their planet. What to say ?????? we leave it to you, it is simpler. The defining characteristic of this human lies in the objectification of the universe in his thought. Thus, OEMII WOA is almost a WOA, so that it can change the state of the WAAM. Let us not forget that we are the sensors of the cosmos and in fact the OEMII informs BUAWE BIAEI about the state of the universe through its conscious thought. OEMII WOA thus becomes a potential threat to the whole WAAM because it KNOWS how it IS. The oummites say that an OEMII WOA at such a point of consciousness becomes a paradox with the physical reality of the dimensional framework in which it exists, and so it disappears...Simple as that. Fairy tale? religion? reflection? we do not know any more, especially since it is supposedly extra terrestrials who have told us this. A kind of natural protection compels us to say no more. We do not have the right to destroy or create in this concept. This is all just as logical as the theory of black holes which exist for some and not for others. Make up your own mind, and let us not sink into proselytism.

We nevertheless offer you a helpful tip for understanding oummite concepts. Be tetravalent! and do not reject everything outright because it disturbs you.


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