Ummite Physics and Metaphysics:
"The Essential Texts"

We voluntarily did not complete the enumeration of the BUUAWAA's (soul) faculties, and we leave the definition of man's third factor (OEMBUUA) for later. Now we must explain our concept of the OEMII.

In the SPACE-TIME continuum (thus poorly named by the physicists of the Earth), the human body is an additional " FOLD " in space (a deformation through the fourth dimension) which we can mathematically define in ten dimensions. In short a MASS, with associates VOLUME and TIME. One cannot conceive of time if it is dissociated from the other magnitudes.

People who have a weak scientific background consider man as a BEING in three dimensions (volume) living various events in the flow of Time. For him, there is only the memory of the past. The only reality is the present and the future does not yet exist.


Imagine that the various events that you lived, that you live and that you will live, are laid out along an axis representing the dimension TIME.

Each situation has an arrow associated to it, and space and time are so closely associated that if we combined all these events or facts that you lived and saw on one graph , we would obtain a strange being with four dimensions (volume + time) which would resemble an enormous OEBUMAEI (sort of "long tube " whose section represents a person if we cut it into slices).

The cosmologists of UMMO call this four-dimensional being: OEBUMAEMII

What does a slice of this OEBUMAEOEMII represent? Simply a fact or an event of which our body is the protagonist. Such a fact is an illusion, a fiction. As would a section of this tube if it could not be cut, the unit then forming an inviolable whole.

But one could object: this concept is simple philosophical speculation. My conscience dictates to me that I lived such facts without me seeing this gigantic BUMAEOEMII in front or behind me...

However this is not a question of a simple assumption formulated by an eccentric Ummite researcher. The physicists of your Planet already thought of this concept before our arrival.

A simple comparison will help you better understanding this image: in a large garden there is a tunnel which curves, built entirely out of plastic or transparent glass, and throughout it are stored furniture, tools etc... This large tunnel represents the OEBUMAEOEMII.

A man, (our conscience) runs from the beginning of this sinuous corridor. It grows dark and he carries a lantern. As he runs the objects on his path are illuminated, but also, as the walls are transparent, he can see some sections of the garden outside close to the wall.

At other times during his travels in the tunnel, he directs a pencil of light towards the outside where there are other tunnels with their pilgrims armed with lanterns, passing close to the garden.

At his birth, the tunnel and the garden existed already. When the traveler thinks that what he sees has just been created, or ceases to exist, or that the items he sees do not exist yet... it is only an illusion.


When this concept of OEBUAAEOEOEMII began to be outlined on UMMO, (before it is recognized as scientific truth) heterodoxical (non-scientific) philosophical doctrines emerged

IM 42 had supported the theory according to which if WOA creates man as OEBUMAEOEMII (i.e. with an associated dimension of time), its acts or events are simply illusions and thus BEHAVIOUR throughout LIFE (life or time closely related to the body) is logically PREDETERMINED.

We would thus not be responsible before WOA for the apparent transgressions of the moral law (UAA) of WOA.

UMYAE (freedom of the human to act in the world) would be a simple fiction.

The scientific development of those years seemed to reinforce this theory on new foundations. Indeed: if all physical events are governed by " relentless " laws (we were still unaware of the statistical character of these laws) imposed by WOA on the WAAM (UNIVERSE), the biological structures of the BAYIODUII (all the animals and plants) should also be conditioned by inflexible biological laws.



The preceding doctrine is entirely false, it broke down faced with new irreducible arguments. (We observed that on Earth many people still defend this theory, but it is understandable since they lack a credible scientific basis on which to disprove it).

Let us return now to the description of the BUAWA (soul, individual spirit). We know that our soul has a personality or an individual identity. The BUAWEI (collective spirit) has as many "CONCIENCIAS" joined together as there are humans, just as a pure carbon polyhedron generates multiple reflections.

The BUAWA does not have memory, neither is it unable to feel or perceive; it cannot, for example, feel pleasure or pain.

So, then: is it an inert soul, like a rock that lives without food?

Of course not, the BUAWA has a "CONCIENCIA" which should not be confused with "CONSCIENCIA"; i.e. the BUAWA generates ideas, can understand the messages the OEMBUAW brings it and can control the OEMII (body) thanks to it also.

But: and this is very important: the generated ideas, acquired knowledge, control of the body are not carried out sequentially or in a continual manner in the flow of time.

I.e. the soul does not develop ideas one after the other in various intervals of time because time DOES NOT EXIST FOR IT.

It would not be equally incorrect to assert that the BUUAWEA " does " all this once and for all and in one moment; but this way of explaining ourselves, without having recourse to an untranslatable technical lexicon of UMMO, is most effective.

Woa concedes a prerogative to the soul which is transcendent: it can modify once and for all the form of the OEBUMAOEMII (physical man: space-time).

This means that if WOA generates and creates the physical body, fixing the characteristics of its physiology, it concedes the faculty of modelling the behaviour of the body throughout time, once and for all, to the BUUAWEA.

Again let us use the example of the long plastic tunnel. Suppose that it is a large flexible tube like a snake. The owner buys it and wishes to pose it in his garden. He has full freedom to curve it according to his taste, adapting it of course to the topography of the ground, avoiding trees and especially avoiding disturbing the other tunnels which are already in the garden.

At first glance, he will have to take into account all the obstacles and at the same moment he will choose the 'ideal' axis on which he will set up the tube. Obviously, the owner can contemplate his entire work in a single glance. This is no longer the unhappy man who ran at night inside the long tunnel to observe step by step with his lamp the consecutive sections of the flexible tunnel in the garden.

This unhappy man represents "CONSCIENCIA", the owner symbolizes "CONCIENCIA" of the BUAWA (ie. of the SOUL).

You would need a better explanation to assimilate this idea in one go. It is difficult at the beginning to understand this difference between CONCIENCIA and CONSCIENCIA; words which we chose to translate our BUUAWA IMMI and ESEE OA.

But are the humans of Earth different from the Ummites on this point?

There is no reason that your souls should have another essence. If the soul is able to see the entire tunnel at a single glance, this OEBUMAEOEMII in the form of the "tunnel man" (i.e. all the events lived and to be lived by the OEMII (body)), how is it that I am only able to reach the field of my "CONSCIENCIA" on the level of the vision of the PRESENT, i.e. a single event in this gigantic chain of events which constitutes the long OEBUMAEOEMMI?

In the final analysis, wouldn't this ME be my soul? You, the scientists of UMMO, you say that my conscience is this man with the lantern travelling slowly in the night, exploring one by one the events which make up the long tunnel; you say that when my body reads this in one moment (i.e. an event), then when I undress to go to sleep (another event), both exist, already preestablished by my soul with the permission of WOA, and however I can ONLY COME TO KNOW IT little by little in the slow flow of Time.

Is MY ME, CONSCIOUS, an innocent slave of my soul which models my behaviour?

It is yet another illusion. When we look up and see the blue of the sea, we are far from imagining that BLUE is a simple somatic illusion. The color does not exist, there are only simple waves of which certain wavelengths produce various effects on our brain.


CONSCIENCE (CONSCIENCIA) AND CONSCIENCE (CONCIENCIA) are in fact the same thing. It is our physical body, our OEMII, which with its limits prevents the soul from seeing more than one episode or event at every moment.

We will use another example: go to your window and look outside. Imagine that you are an architect and that you built the building opposite you. You see it in its entirety with all its doors and windows, its roof, its chimneys... Now cut a small square on a paperboard of less than 1 ENMOO (1 ENMOO = I,87 cm) in length.

Make an opening of the diameter of a pencil in its centre and return to the window. Put the square 9 ENMOO from your eye (16,8 cm) and without closing the other eye, try to see through this perforation one of the windows of the house opposite. How the field of vision is limited! If you want to see the entire scene, you must move a lot. But you will not be ingenuous enough to exclaim that your eyes are not able to take in the entire scene at once (the house you built). All you would have to do is remove the small paperboard.

You thus understand that the EYES REPRESENT CONSCIENCE (CONCIENCIA). The paperboard SYMBOLIZES the OEMII (physical body) and the FIELD LIMITED BY the OPENING would be the ESEE OA (CONSCIENCE).



The BUUAWAA (soul) is thus responsible before WOA for your behaviour in relation to the UAA (moral code dictated by the creator).

The soul modelled - all at once - but it gave form to all the events lived by the OEMII (physiological body) and if it did not adapt them to this moral law which it freely transgressed, it must be punished. This concept of punishment has nothing to do with the descriptions the ancient texts of the Earth Roman church make of purgatory.

We were, however, very surprised to see that modern Theologians of this same church and others, currently maintain a theory which coincides with ours for it takes into account the concept of an adimensional spirit dissociated from time.


An incomplete vision of man is created if we imagine a body subject to the relentless biological laws of WOA.

When a stone falls, its movement is not the fruit of chance since other factors intervened: the mass of the rock, the gravitational field of UMMO (or the EARTH), the composition of the air and the phenomena of turbulence related to the shape of the object.

The behavior of ANY OBJECT in the Cosmos is related to statistical laws which you call physical laws.

But, however, probability is the only law of the subatomic particles. They are not subject like large objects to the constraints of an inflexible law and that, the scientists of the Earth know.

But if the man is a giant complex of atoms, i.e. a LARGE OBJECT: won't its behaviour thus be subordinated to physical and biological laws? Preventing freedom of action? YES and NO. We will explain: observe what arrives when a weak ray of light arrives at the retina. Man's entire behaviour can change by this unperceivable phenomenon. We know that it is enough that one IBOAAYA ADA (retinal cell you call rods) be stimulated to create a nervous impulse. ONE SINGLE PHOTON CAN MOVE THE OEMII (BODY)!

Then, the man, who physiologically is subject to these BOOLEXES (? N.D.T.) laws can in turn behave by probability, being controlled by subatomic particles.

This principle incited the psychophysiologists of UMMO to seek the true causes of the interaction between BUAWAA and OEMII (spirit and soma) until in the year 315 of our Time, NOI 3, carried out an imposing discovery: The OEMBUUAW, the factor of connection between the body and the soul.

It is not an ectoplasmic peri-spirit for a substance cannot be material and spiritual at the same time (dimensional and without dimension) and the ectoplasmic regurgitations of terrestrial mediums are simple trickeries.

The OEMBUUAW is made up simply of a small group or constellation of DIIU YAA (krypton) atoms; this gas is formed of inert atoms (unable to combine chemically).

In their orbits one counts 36 electrons including 6 in the external shell and two next to them. You can observe that the atomic number is a multiple of the atomic numbers of carbon (twelve) and helium (two). It can enter in resonance (OWEEEU OMWAA) with these elements, a frequency corresponding to the third fundamental harmonic of carbon and the sixth fundamental harmonic frequency of helium. OWEEU OMWAA is a cortical effect of the atom which you do not know yet, and it should not be confused with the emission of energy at various frequencies by the electronic shell that you measure using the characteristic emission spectra for each atom.

The localization of these krypton atoms in the human body is very difficult for the following reasons:

- they are not combined with the remainder of the organic compounds of the OEMII (human body).

- their number is very small (we have located 16 of them) contrary to the other atoms (carbon, nitrogen, oxygen etc) which number in the trillions.

But do not believe that the number of krypton atoms is so small. We think that there are hundreds of thousands (even so the number is small) located in the temporal lobe of the Thalamus, the Hypothalamus and other zones of the cerebral shell.

The nervous impulses, thanks to the various helium and carbon atoms whose quantum states were excited (image B), modify by resonance the ordinary states of frequency Zero (wave planes) of each krypton atom by the effect of OWEEU OMWAA.

The messages of the memory, for example, are codified in these atoms in the form of wave (image D).

The BUUAWAA (soul) is informed of all our senses take in, and of all the mental processes in our brain thanks to these krypton atoms: also thanks to them, the soul acts on the body through a reverse process whose ultimate phase consists in the motor impulses which activate our muscles (see image B). A gigantic BUUAWE BIAEI or collective spirit of which the BUUAWAA controls each respective OEMII, thanks to the OEMBUUAW, is actually associated with time in that it forms the length and tortuous sequence of events that we call OEMBUAOEMII (quadridimentional man).

A whole created by WOA with the great freedom to always be able to govern its destiny and then sanctioned and foreseen in the close participation of the ideas of the WOA (this 'and then' is symbolic since time does not exist). There are no words to express the exquisite harmony of this wonderful creation of WOA.


Does a fuller, broader spirit exist which encompasses all the beings of Cosmos?

Is our BUUAWEE BIAEI and that of the men of the Earth also " combined "?

Humbly we confess that we do not know, if it were so we could telepathically communicate with you in spite of the enormous distances, and we would also know more about the future the Cosmic Humanity has in store for us. This is one of the objectives of our mission on EARTH: until now the results have been negative. We believed moreover than the scientists of the Earth could bring elements to our research and we found you preoccupied by sterile wars and senseless polemic lacking any scientific objectivity; and you EACH believe you have the truth without respecting those who do not think like you.

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